2019 – September updates

Any reference to CASACIR or its directors, shareholders, owners or operators relates to pre-14 February 2024 when the company was sold. In no way can anything said relate to the company or its new owners, operators, directors, and shareholders after that sale.

27 September

I just re-read his Honour’s judgment and saw something that I had missed the importance of previously. Pagone J clearly said that I had no right to expect legislation to be upheld:

 [H]owever wrongly, she sought to reply upon the letter of the law to secure what she believed to the outcomes to which she was entitled. The proceedings have been found to have been vexatious for the purpose of the costs order made by VCAT[1]and that finding was confirmed by this Court.[2]

That comment was made in relation to my claims (and proof) that man X, man Y and CASACIR had not complied with legislation, including the planning scheme (and therefore failed to comply with the MRSDA), their planning permit and their work authority, as well as their work plan and planning report (both of which were endorsed as part of their planning permit and their work plan was the basis for their work authority).

Not only had 2008 VCAT members Tonia Komesaroff and Sylvia Mainwaring, and the 2009, 2010 and 2011 member Russell Bard, ignored the planning legislation, as had the authorities, but now the courts were also not only ignoring it, but making it very clear that it was wrong to expect the letter of the law to be complied with. In fact, VCAT and the courts have called me vexatious for trying to protect my legislated rights! I read the law and expected it to be applied. Shock!!! Horror!!! How dare I expect the law to be complied with?? Clearly people and businesses can make whatever claims they like, including by committing fraud – and for me to try to have it all upheld is vexatious as well as being downright mean and nasty and worthy of having significant damages and costs levied against me.

[1]   Country Endeavours Pty Ltd v Baw Baw Shire Council (No. 8)[2011] VCAT 2403.

[2]   Country Endeavours Pty Ltd v Casacir Pty Ltd [2013] VSC 22.

9 September

I have just put a new page under CASACIR, noting that they failed to comply with the planning scheme, and therefore with the MRSDA, and therefore with they work authority. Therefore, man X, man Y and CASACIR’s work authority and planning permit should be immediately cancelled.