Any reference to CASACIR or its directors, shareholders, owners or operators relates to pre-14 February 2024 when the company was sold. In no way can anything said relate to the company or its new owners, operators, directors, and shareholders after that sale.
I’ve previously revealed excerpts of a 2016 letter from a troll.
In February of this year (2018) I was further trolled by someone who stated that they were looking forward to having me air their rubbish on my site – this troll is claiming to be the same troll as that of 2016.
I really don’t understand how someone can get their jollies on being such a nonsensical, addle-brained, nasty, and vitriolic troll. The troll still lacks the moral integrity and courage to put their real name to their correspondence. I have reason to believe I know who it is – if I am right I would like to say I am surprised, but sadly I am not.
One of the nonsensical things the troll said was that:
[T]his perceived notion of “rights” is illusory, something that the uneducated spout and cling to and claim that they have – those moronic people on social media”.
The troll seems to be trying to say that I am wrong, uneducated and moronic in trying to have my legislated rights enforced.
Based on that quote, I wonder if man X, man Y and CASACIR have also been trolled because they continue to demand their rights. If they were not also trolled, I find it entirely ironic because if it applies to me, then it applies even more so to man X, man Y and CASACIR, and to their clinging to rights that are gained at the cost of the pre-existing rights of those who were there before their arrival – that is of course, unless the troll believes that man X,
I’ve previously revealed excerpts of a 2016 letter from a troll.
In February of 2018 I was further trolled by someone who stated that they were looking forward to having me air their filthy rubbish on my site – this troll was claiming to be the same troll as the imbecilic person who trolled me in 2016. I am going to call this troll a “he” just to give it a gender, and am going to call him “troll M” – this is not to be construed as being directed at anybody, I have simply chosen the middle letter of the alphabet.
I really don’t understand how someone can get their jollies on being such a nonsensical, addle-brained, nasty, and vitriolic troll. Troll M still lacks the moral integrity and courage to put his name to his correspondence. I have reason to believe I know who it is – if I am right I would like to say I would be surprised, but sadly I would not be.
One of the nonsensical things troll M said was that:
[T]his perceived notion of “rights” is illusory, something that the uneducated spout and cling to and claim that they have – those moronic people on social media”.
Troll M seems to be trying to say that I am wrong, uneducated and moronic in trying to have my rights enforced.
Based on that quote, I wonder if man X, man Y and CASACIR have also been trolled because they continue to demand their so-called rights. If they were not also trolled, I would find it entirely ironic because if it applies to me, then it applies even more so to man X, man Y and CASACIR and their clinging to rights that are gained at the cost of the pre-existing legislated rights of those who were there before their arrival – that is of course, unless troll M believes that man X, man Y and CASACIR have rights and others don’t – making troll M the one who is wrong, uneducated and moronic – even an idiot would realise that if they have rights then so do I.
I was further trolled by troll M yet again. Still the same gutless contemptible, pitiable and pathetic person still refusing to reveal who they really are and hiding behind their anonymity.
Interestingly though, if troll M is the person I believe it is, the timing of the contact and wording used gives significant credence to my belief. If I am right, I believe many others would be shocked – but, sadly, if I am right, I would not be not surprised at all.
I firmly believe that troll M is acting on behalf at least some of those in this website who want the website removed because it reveals too much of what they are and what they have done – the claim by troll M is that some of what I have posted is defamatory of a number of people. However, everything I have written is true and is easily proved to be true, so that makes it not defamatory. In fact, troll M believes that this website is “amusing” and said that “no-one is worried about it”. I wonder why it appears so important that it be taken down in that case – my guess is that those who may have empowered troll M want to be able to continue to conduct themselves in the deplorable manner in which they have conducted themselves in the past but don’t want the truth shared for any interested person to see.
Trolls generally seem to have too much time on their hands – this is especially so with troll M because he claims to have spent a lot of time (and, according to him, money) researching my situation, which I find sort of flattering but entirely extraordinary.
I actually have no time for trolls, they really should get a life of their own, especially troll M.
August 2021 – In looking back over the webpage and troll M’s nasty, spiteful, narrow-minded, and malicious communications, I have come to the absolute conclusion that troll M, while appearing to be quite well educated, is actually not very intelligent at all – it goes to show that good education and lack of intelligence certainly can co-sexist, because they do co-sexist in troll M.