All references in this website to CASACIR relate to the company pre-14 February 2024 when it was owned by man X and man Y. Man X and man Y sold it (and the related land) for $70 million on 14 February 2024. I have no idea what the new owners intend to do about the many issues of non-compliance that existed when they bought the company, but no comments in this website relate to the CASACIR company after the sale. It is to be noted that, according to my reading of the legal documents, man X and man Y, paid out their mortgage to the National Australia Bank and they, together with man Y’s son, Heath, are identified as the mortgagees of the land. The ownership of the land was transferred by way of a transfer of land by endorsement[1]. One person[2]said that he had never heard of a transfer of land by endorsement and that it sounded, to him, like a process to avoid stamp duty.
Additionally, all references to the directors of CASACIR refer to man X and man Y, and not the new directors. Man X and man Y are not the new directors and what is written in this website cannot be interpreted to mean that such references are in relation to the new directors.All old and new additions to the website relating to man X and man Y themselves are still the old (previous) man X and man Y.
[1] “A transfer by endorsement refers to the legal transfer of a negotiable instrument from one party to another through the signing of a document” ttps://,be%20attached%20to%20that%20policy.
[2] Zed Surreal of Whirlpool Forum addict (