
Man X and man Y sent me into bankruptcy in 2018 (some of the details are on various other pages). 

Any reference to CASACIR or its directors, shareholders, owners or operators relate to pre-14 February 2024 when the company was sold. In no way can anything said relate to the company or its new owners, operators, directors, and shareholders after that sale.

Prior to 2018, man X and man Y, together with their company, CASACIR, had already taken over $2m directly or indirectly from me by lying to the courts, and to the tribunal before that – including under oath. But they weren’t happy with that because, in spite of lying yet again by telling the court as absolute fact that they wanted it to all be over so they could just get on with their lives, they actually tried to retain costs against me in order to send me back into bankruptcy again once I was released. The only reason they aren’t able to accomplish their goal was because I amended my statement of affairs and included the costs they were hoping to use against me later – meaning they had no more leverage against me and we could all get on with our lives with the debts expunged.

On 4 August 2021, I was finally out of bankruptcy by virtue of time. I contacted the office of the trustee, Romanis Cant, to make sure that I was released and to find out if I had to sign anything or if he had to do so. Whilst I was told that I was out of bankruptcy because the 3 years was up, I was stunned to also be told that man X and man Y had recently contacted the trustee and said that they would fund him investigating me again – clearly in the hope that they could have me sent back into bankruptcy rather than allowing me to be released. I find this conduct extraordinary given that the trustee had already made very serious and invasive inquiries into every part of my life as part of his job, and here were man X and man Y basically saying that he hadn’t done a proper job and that he had to re-examine everything.

So, be warned, although the Bankruptcy Act specifies that you are only in bankruptcy for 3 years unless you have failed to comply with all the trustee’s demands, You are free. However, it turns out that they can hold you for a further 3 years if a creditor demands further research into the bankrupt’s estate. I had been told by the trustee that I had complied with everything and yet here we are – I have this hanging over me for a further 3 years and it’s all because of man X and man Y and their absolute revenge because I stood up to them and they hate it. It does reveal a lot about them, in my opinion.

I knew, because they went after me in 2017 and sent me into bankruptcy in 2018, that they didn’t really want to just get on with their lives, and here is the proof – they must have taken note of the date that I would be released from bankruptcy so that, rather than funding the trustee’s investigations back in 2018, they actually want him to try to find something new in the desperate but vain hope that it would put me back into bankruptcy. Clearly, if the trustee can find something new (1) I will be absolutely gobsmacked because man X and man Y took it all, and (2) it would prove the trustee didn’t do a thorough job over the past 3 years.

If man X and man Y were willing to pay the trustee to do deeper investigations (although I really don’t know what he can investigate now that he didn’t do before), why didn’t they offer fund the investigations in the first instance instead of waiting until now. The reason is, of course, that if the trustee somehow finds something new now, man X and man Y can have their nauseating desires met by having me go back into bankruptcy, whereas, if they had funded it before, any results would have been part of my 3 years in bankruptcy.

What do you think of someone who does that? Even if it wasn’t me involved, it is my personal opinion that someone who does that sort of thing is an absolute low-life, unscrupulous, lying, mean-spirited, bastard (in other words, my opinion of each of man X and man Y has got even lower than it was before, and that’s really saying something!). 

It is my opinion that, putting aside the fact that they committed deliberate and pre-meditated fraud during the fight over their quarry (what kind of person does that??): either (1) they are really, really, angry with the fact that I have this website and that I have the integrity and backbone to continue to stand up to their bullying and intimidation tactics, and they want as much revenge as they can get for me revealing the type of people they are and what they have done, or (2) they are simply really unconscionable and really nasty people who can’t let it go and detest the truth coming out.

It is clear to me that their actions are not about getting more money from me because they know I have none because they took it all – it’s about being as vindictive as they can possibly be because they simply can’t stand it that I stood up to them and refused to bow down to them and their bullying conduct.

Some people just cannot tolerate the truth, and especially the truth about them – and these certainly seem to me to be two such people. What is really stupid of many X and man Y is that they don’t seem to realise that the more they do, the more their conduct is revealed as being part of the injustice perpetrated against me, and that means even more revelations go into the website – because this website is all about the injustices perpetrated against me.

Back in 2018, the bankruptcy trustee, Romanis Cant, requested that the legal company they used, White Cleland (“WC”), look into the legalities of my situation and they stated that they had found nothing that could bring about any release of money (because I had none). Since having been released from bankruptcy in August 2021 by reason of time, because man X and man Y are now trying to keep me in bankruptcy by paying for further investigations into my financial situation, I am told (after much requesting of answers from Romanis Cant) that WC are again looking into things. I am not allowed to know what they are supposedly looking into, with one of the directors, Manual Hanna, saying “I advise that the Trustee is not obliged to share details of these investigations as it may prejudice the potential claims” – I can’t understand what claims there could be because I have nothing and have not had anything for a very long time (man X and man Y took it all when they lied in court, including under oath, and thereby winning their case and many hundreds of thousands of dollars). If WC now come back and say that there is money they can get (I don’t know where from), it will strongly indicate to me that, because nothing has changed, they must have been incompetent back in 2018 when they first investigated my situation. I guess we’ll see if it is all hot air or not when a result comes down. You can be sure I will document it all.

After having WC for the second time find nothing that could assist man X and man Y in their efforts against me, apparently, according to Manuel: “The petitioning creditor is still considering their position regarding the funding of further investigations” (bolding mine). These 2 men simply are, in my opinion, nasty, vengeful, and downright vindictive because I dared to the them on.

The whole thing is shameful and yet they all consider it to be fine and appropriate for me to be bankrupted by man X and man Y and for them to continue to hound and harass me because all I did was tell the truth.

Should any of them try to make me bankrupt again, I will have no issue with bringing all of that persons or those persons’ own conduct into question before the court, and this includes them having lying under oath, having suborned such lies, having lied in documents, addresses and submissions, and so on – i.e. all their conduct against me. They lied about wanting it to all be over and are trying to have a hold over me for years to come. The fact is that I have nothing because of their lies and they know it – any such further action would just prove their meanness, nastiness, vindictiveness and an attempt at revenge.

On 3 April 2023, I received notification from the bankruptcy trustee, Romanis Cant, that man X and man Y had actually just started to fund the threatened further investigation against me. This is 4½ years since I was bankrupted by man X and man Y, and 1½ years since I was released from bankruptcy – just days prior to my release they said that they were going to fund further investigations yet it has taken another 1½ years to actually get around to do it. 

They could have funded the trustee from the start (August 2018), but chose not to do so. They could have funded him at any stage during the 3 years of bankruptcy, but again chose not to do so. They could have done what they said and funded the trustee from the date I was released from bankruptcy (August 2021), but did not do so. 

In my opinion man X and man Y are bigoted, nasty, narrow-minded, vengeful people because they just want to try to make me suffer for not cowering what appears to me to be their bullying conduct. It would appear that they clearly still can’t face the fact that they have not beaten me into quivering submission. They know I have nothing, yet they persist. 

They seem to me to have a very poor moral compass: they claim Christian ethics and that their word is important to them, yet they continue to fail to comply with legislation at their Neerim North quarry, they continue to fail to comply with their own undertakings and they lied repeatedly to the authorities in claiming what they were going to do and not going to do, and they repeated lied to the courts, including under oath. And they continue to  hound me when they know that I have nothing because of them and their actions!

It is my opinion that they are absolute scum and are nasty, horrible, people.  I say shame on them.

Further, on 9 February 2024, I received a letter from Gareth Brodie of WC, the legal firm who have been acting for the trustee of my former bankruptcy, Anthony Cant of Romanis Cant. 

As is usual procedure, WC were called in to investigate my bankruptcy at the beginning and claimed to have found nothing. Yet, having been belatedly funded by man X and man Y, they apparently believe they have now found something. Nothing has changed in all this time, so I have to ask if they were either too slack in the beginning, or if they have deliberately delayed in taking action on it. Both myself and my husband, who is a secured creditor (and who has been deliberately kept in the dark by both Tony Cant and Gareth Brodie), have been told that we have to accept service of a “Summons for examination” to “attend Court to give evidence and to produce documents”. At no time have either Gareth or Tony asked for whatever new documents or “evidence” they are now seeking – where was the nicety of asking if I or we could hand over whatever documents they are now seeking, and when were any of the questions they want to ask, asked before going to Court?

Putting me aside for the moment, my husband is, as I said, a secured creditor and has no part in my bankruptcy other than that. He has never been challenged by any of man X, man Y, the earlier courts, Tony or Gareth, and none of them have ever claimed that he had part in my bankruptcy. Yet here they all are, seeking to drag him in, without discussion or notification, and certainly without his agreement.

As for me, I have supplied absolutely everything that has been asked of me and, in the very few instances where I did not have the information, I provided the names and details of those who could supply the information and gave permission for that hand-over. I have been both proactive and forthcoming, and to be treated in this way is deplorable. By rights I should have been fully released from bankruptcy in August 2021, but here we are with them all deliberately dragging it out. I can only assume that, given that they filed in October 2023 and deliberately waited until February 2024 to try to serve us, that they want to have the case extend out over the additional 3 years the law gives for review. I can only guess at the reason, and if I am right, it makes them all look far worse than they already look. 

As is our right, we have asked for information about what they want before we make any move to assist with service. Let’s see if they are willing to work with us without the need to go to Court. I doubt it because it wouldn’t meet their agenda, but we’ll see.

I have opened three further pages, one on Romanis Cant, one on White Cleland, and one on Benjamin Fry, and have more information in those three pages.