Any reference to CASACIR or its directors, shareholders, owners or operators relate to pre-14 February 2024 when the company was sold. In no way can anything said relate to the company or its new owners, operators, directors, and shareholders after that sale.
28 July 2011 – Neerim North Road
Went to the site again today. On the Neerim North Road between Main Neerim Road and Palmer Road there are some areas that were sort of repaired today (the first time in many months), but there are other areas that are still not done. The section around Murphy Road is still unsealed.
The section from Palmer Road to 5 metres past the quarry entrance is still not sealed, although for the first time since 4 December 2010, the surface has been maintained – although it is still not sealed (8 months unsealed) – this sections has never been properly and fully constructed and properly sealed. Further breaches of conditions.
28 July 2011 – Air quality
Dust was billowing off the site and noise was definitely “unacceptable” – both in breach of conditions.
28 July 2011 – Plants
There are still no plants planted in areas that are supposed to be planted, and, and, and. Further breaches of conditions.
27 July 2011
Today we received notice that the costs hearing is set for 21 September 2011. Let’s see if the tribunal are going to just award costs in spite of the fact that man X, man Y and CASACIR were (and still are) in breach of a considerable number of conditions.
15 July 2011
As at today, nothing has changed: there are still no trees in various locations, the road is still not maintained, the section to be constructed is still not sealed and is not being maintained, the posts fail to meet the requirements, the site is still unsecured, noise is still over the limit, dust is still exiting the site, the work plan is still not being complied with in a number of ways, and, and, and. But all these failures apparently meet council’s, DPI’s and the tribunal’s “satisfaction” criteria.
The costs hearing for the enforcement proceeding is coming up (man X, man Y and CASACIR want nearly $70,000-00 in spite of having acknowledged breaches!). It was originally set for 3 August 2011 but both sides have asked for an adjournment. No news yet (as at 15 July 2011).